Born normal to loosing some parts of communication after the flu shot at 2 years old.

After becoming sick after the flu shot and almost dying, the mother  part come out.

This website is for educational purposes only.

Carla J Kee-Franklin

 After a mother have her child and the child is born normal then after a flu shot, your child becomes different. No more happy child. A child that loved to run, and very happy to a child that cried and start hitting the mother if he didn’t get his way or didn’t know how to communicate correctly.

 The mother had a lot going on and feeling like no one was in her corner. The dad blamed the mother for the child crying and it become sometimes unbearable in the house.

Mothers have so much to handle and not take care of her mental state of mind.

 Some mothers will do whatever to help her child/children to grow and not sit back and dwell on the downfalls of what the doctors said about their child/children.

 Written by Carla J Kee-Franklin

Designer Carla J Kee-Franklin

Carla Jeanette Media and Designs

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Educate yourself about your child’s health and never settle  for what your doctors are saying about your child’s health.

Disclaimer Carla J Kee-Franklin is not a doctor. Just sharing the experience that helped her son after the flu shot. Please do the research.

A lot of crying, reading, watching videos, talking to others about how and understand what can be done to help with get her son better.

Carla J Kee-Franklin has a background of education in the public school and home school. Mother of 5. Living 4.

It’s been a very long journey.